Check-in Information
You will find a map below indicating Performer/Artist Parking areas. Please go ahead and park in any one of those areas. After you park, please check-in at the stage you will be performing, and ask for the stage manager responsible for your stage. Please check-in at least 15 minutes early, while also giving yourself enough time to unload your vehicle, and set up for your performance. Please call the volunteer coordinator, Robin Cosby, if you would like a volunteer to meet you in the parking lot. We can also send someone to help you carry your equipment over.

Performer Information

If you are reading this, then you must be one of our many talented Artspire participants. Please use this webpage as a resource for information about the event, in regards to your participation.

If you think something is missing, please share your suggestions with And of course, thank you all for sharing your time and talents with your community. Artspire is a showcase of the creative people living in the La Crosse community, and our success is directly attributed to your participation.

Contact Information
Ryan Soberg, Entertainment Chair: 651.491.5786
McKenzie Olson, Event Coordinator: 608.567.1137
Robin Cosby, Volunteer Coordinator: 608.385.5309
Pump House Front Desk: 608.785.1434

Brickl Bros. Stage Manager: Raina Thelen, 608.769.1992
Artspire South Stage Manager: Amy Hatlevig,
Pump House Stage Manager: Ryan Soberg, 651.491.5786
Weber Center Stage Manger: Ron Cosby, 608.304.0953